
New Visions of Isaiah is unavailable, but you can change that!

This collection of essays arises from the lively discussions in the Formation of the Book of Isaiah Seminar of the Society of Biblical Literature. The essays exhibit the diversity that has always been present in the Seminar. Each contributor has a unique perspective and thus extends the frontiers of research on the book of Isaiah. Yet, taken as a whole, the essays fall into two broad groups,...

on by Marvin Sweeney.22 Along with his mentor Rolf Knierim, Sweeney appears to have recognized that no history of redaction can be reconstructed until one has first of all recovered the structure and intention of the text as formulated by its final redactor.23 Only after the text in its final form is accounted for can one identify earlier stages of development within the text. Therefore, Sweeney presents a sophisticated analysis of the structure of the book of Isaiah in its completed form. Then he
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